I really love this album. There's not much else to say. Part funk, part ska, part new wave, part punk, part hair metal (yes), and part comedy. Fishbone is awesome, but an acquired taste. I got this on cassette a few years ago from the aforementioned neighbor. It's like a Sublime made of real, live black people! (I hope that didn't sound racist, I'm just not down with whiteboy reggae.) Fishbone are an amazing band and I was lucky enough to see them a few Halloweens ago. If there's a band that you should listen to while dressed as Tank Girl and being the only minor in a crowd of too-friendly drunk old men and University students, Fishbone is probably it. Their shows don't turn out a lot of people, but this album contains their two huge singles "Ma and Pa" and "Freddie's Dead." This is a great starter for a really esoteric, underrated band.
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TRACK LISTING:01.Freddie's Dead
02.Ma and Pa
03.Mighty Long Way
04.Pouring Rain
05.Deep Inside
06.Question of Life
07.I Like to Hide Behind My Glasses
08.Bonin' in the Boneyard
09.One Day
10.Subliminal Fascism
11.Slow Bus Movin' (Howard Beach Party)
12.In The Name of Swing
13.Ghetto Soundwave