Yeah, it's a Lady Gaga B-sides album. If you have a problem with that, I don't care. Some of these are hilariously bad, like "Shake Ure Kitty." Some are catchy-as-hell but bad, like "Christmas Tree." But I
am a Lady Gaga fan, and some of these songs are amazing. "Let Love Down" is reminiscent of any of Freddie Mercury's piano-driven songs. The acoustic or acapella versions of the songs on The Fame and The Fame Monster are pretty awesome too! I said I'd post it, and I did. Hataz gonna hate.
PASSWORD:pokuhface147.5MB ZIP fileTRACKLIST:01.Fashion
02.Starstruck (Feat. Space Cowboy & Flo Rida)
03.Disco Heaven
04.No Floods
05.Kaboom (Feat. Kalena)
06.I Like It Rough
08.Paper Gangsta
09.Fancy Pants
11.Big Girl Now (feat. New Kids On The Block)
12.Rock Show
13.Christmas Tree
14.Shake Ur Kitty
16.Let Love Down
17.Eh Eh (Keyboard & Beatbox Version)
18.Pokerface (Live Piano & Vocal version)
19.Just Dance (remix)
Wow...didn't expect to see Lady Gag there...